Ready to Make Your Own Eco-Brick Machine at Home?

Ready to Make Your Own Eco-Brick Machine at Home?

Great ideas sometimes come from a piece of paper! This is very true! We could buy a machine that costs a lot of money and is very desired, for those who want to make ecological bricks to build their own house, or create a small business in the manufacture and sale of these bricks! Or who knows how to manufacture and sell these machines in their city or country?

Believe me, this was the project we used to manufacture our machines in early 2008 in Brazil and it was for us where it all started! Over the years when we started selling our projects by download, many people asked us  how can I do it if I'm not a professional who understands welding or measurements like that?  But there it is my friend, the solution and the icing on the cake! Just have this project in your hands printed on A4 sheets, and find a professional who works in the manufacture of steel doors or windows! Then it will be possible to have a robust machine that costs today 2000 dollars produced with second-hand materials for up to 70% less than that amount!

Once this is done, you can now make your eco-bricks at home.

Just decide how this project can help you! make bricks to sell or make machines to sell!

Have you decided? So you can get your project up and running today,Times may be tough, but dreams and goals must continue forever.

Click on the project image and purchase yours by downloading today!